Dancing into Dahlia Season | The September Blooms at Anglesey Abbey

It’s a drizzly, overcast Saturday as I filter through these stunning moments of an afternoon at Anglesey Abbey. Overflowing with nature’s dopamine and all the saturated colours of summer, I invite you to join me on a stroll through an explosion of colours; from the stunning dance of blooms in the Dahlia garden, to the last flush of summer flowers in the rose garden…

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Creating a Soothing, Nurturing and Nature Inspired Scandinavian Nursery – The Reveal! (ad)

The wait is finally over! Here is the first glimpse of Emilia’s nursery! I have worked so hard on decorating and furnishing this room, I’m delighted to be sharing it with you now. It took me almost a year and a half through pregnancy and early motherhood — quite a long project, but it’s been such a joy to create. I often find myself pausing to admire this soothing space, it’s my favourite place to be while I’m breastfeeding Emilia for that very reason — perfect for catching a moment of quiet.

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A Cosy Springtime Nest in the Garden | Life in a time of Quarantine

Last weekend on Saturday I decided to create this dreamy scene in our back garden for Emilia before the weather took a cooler turn. Since we’re home all day at the moment, our garden has very much become her happy place — and mine too. So while I’ve been pruning plants, tearing the huge amount of overgrown ivy off the fencing and de-weeding the borders in my efforts to make our small garden more pleasing to the eye for me, I’ve also been thinking of fun and easy ways to make the space more child-friendly.

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