A Slow Wintry Sunday | Our Family Walk at Anglesey Abbey

One wintry Sunday in January, we decided to head to our favourite local National Trust for a walk through their winter garden. Since our first visit years ago, James and I have always really enjoyed heading back to revisit all the colours and fragrances on this beautiful wintry walk.

I have absolutely loved carrying Emilia in my beautiful linen ring sling by Mezaya Baby. I had intended to baby wear from birth with the newborn wrap, but in hindsight I was so weak and exhausted after my complicated labour that the prospect of learning this new skill was too overwhelming at the time and after many unsuccessful attempts it was apparent that my confidence in carrying my baby in this way just wasn’t quite there. I really regret not pushing myself more or seeking advice as I didn’t attempt baby wearing again until Emilia was 14 weeks old – this time with the ring sling. Thankfully, I have been able to master the technique of getting her into the sling comfortably and it has become such a wonderful thing to be able to have her close to me while also being relatively hands free (I still love cradling her with my arms)! It was and still continues to be such a game-changer for me.

Before our Sunday wander, we hadn’t quite managed to get Emilia down for her afternoon nap, so she hadn’t napped since around mid-morning (with the exception of a little snooze in the car during our journey) and so I was hopeful that she would snuggle up to me and enjoy a good nap whilst James and I enjoyed our walk together. In my mind, I romantically pictured James and I walking hand-in-hand, talking about how our lives have evolved tenfold while our baby snored softly against my chest. This didn’t happen. The sheer amount of new sights and scents that we encountered on our wander were always going to be too much of a distraction for Emilia – she loves being outdoors and instead of sleeping, spent our entire walk, cooing and babbling to her little hearts content. Really, I much prefer that reality to the romantic alternative I had written in my head.

Walking outdoors with Emilia in the sling brings me so much joy and freedom, something you don’t quite get when you’re pushing the stroller. It’s often conjured up those heartwarming feelings I had not so long ago when I was proudly carrying her in my tummy. I absolutely loved being pregnant and to be honest I have never felt more confident before, so being able to extend those feelings in some way, well, I’m just incredibly thankful.

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