Little Treasures at Hunstanton Beach

For me, one of the biggest joys of motherhood, is introducing my daughter to the places that are a special part of my childhood. Hunstanton holds many memories for me (my sisters and parents too). The promise of ice creams, sand castles and jaunts to the fairground and arcades with our entire savings of copper pennies, filled us all with so much excitement. We’d visit every year as soon as the weather was warm enough for sandals and the five of us would jump into our car for the quick trip from home to the seaside.

During the years between my childhood and motherhood, I of course discovered that the seaside was much, much more than just sweet treats and 2p machines. The privilege of being able to introduce Emilia to everything I now love about the seaside was definitely a happy combination of nostalgia along with the possibility of creating core memories with her.

Always one for seeking pockets of happiness; I captured these precious moments of Emilia exploring the joys of the beach – both of us collecting our own little treasures along the way…

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